
Welcome to Information Security League!

For quite some time the idea for a blog like this was roaming in my mind. A place of sharing ideas and experiences in the fields of Information Security, Governance and Audit. This is also my humble contribution to the 2014 Cyber Security Awareness Month.

Yes, but why League?

A dictionary definition of the word league in English is:
League [/lig/], (noun),

·        a covenant or compact made between persons, parties, states, etc., for the promotion or 
maintenance of common interests or for mutual assistance or service,
·         the aggregation of persons, parties, states, etc., associated in such a covenant or compact; 
·         an association of individuals having a common goal.

The vision is to unite professionals, academic community and users in order to align them, in such a way as to increase information security awareness and cooperation between all interested parties. Experts in these fields are welcome to share their knowledge, everyone is welcome to share experiences  and views.

Comments and criticism of everything are also welcome, in order to get better and achieve high standards.

Feel free to share thoughts and contact us.