Simply Secure

Posted by Theodore on Παρασκευή, Σεπτεμβρίου 19, 2014 with No comments
New entry in the infosec world. Simply Secure is a brand new organization that aims to solve one of the greatest issues of information security, make it easy to use for the end user.
pretty easy privacy

People tend to be indifferent το their security in the cyberspace and that because most of them do not fully, sometimes not even partially,  understand the complex processes they need to follow in order to stay safe.

Security industry must stay united and assist users by simplifying the entire security process. From identity management to zero-day attacks prevention, vendors, academic community and security experts must provide a concrete and easy to follow framework for the users. After all why are we apply all this effort to stay secure online, if not for the users. Remember that information in all its forms and aspects is nothing if it is not useful, so why to protect something of no value. From the ITIL framework point of view, if we suppose that security industry provides a service to the end user, the we must add value to our customers by creating effective and efficient processes.

The founding principles of Simply Secure are
  1. The future of a positive, accessible, and people-­centered Internet requires trustworthy privacy and security.
  2. If privacy and security aren’t easy and intuitive, they don’t work. Usability is key.
  3. Technology should respect the user’s desire for privacy and security.
  4. Users should not have to choose between services they like and services that are secure; ­­they should be able to easily adopt privacy and security solutions for existing services.
Information Security League fully supports the mission of Simply Secure.